I Have Something I Need You To Know

I have played with this idea for donkey years and I have decided to bite the bullet and just do it. I am writing a fashion book. I am not going to give too much away but I would say, I have written thousands of words already and I aim to finish it in three months. So you should be reading a copy of my e-book in July. Isn’t that great?


Here is a sneak peek for you my dear friends:

I loved reading books when I was a kid. Back in Nigeria, while growing up, I would read with a torch or candle when our electricity goes off. Nothing could stop me from reading. I would even take my novel to the toilet, I loved and still love reading that much. Guess that was when the love of reading and writing developed. I wrote the best essays in high school, I was a straight A student as long as English Language was concerned.

Fast forward to October 2012, I was studying an online course with the London College of Style and part of the assessment was to set up a fashion blog.

I am so excited about the book, I am working my behind off to get it ready in time and I hope you all download on your Kindle or Kindle apps once it is out. Thanks for reading, please share and also drop me a comment telling me what you think. Have a fantastic weekend.



5 Makeup Tricks For The Double Chin


Here are some clever makeup tricks for women with a double chin:

  1. Enhance your jaw line by whisking bronzer along it and under the chin. Also, apply a little highlighter to the chin.
  2. Direct attention to the cheeks and eyes, go for striking eye makeup and bold colours, use a blush on the cheeks.
  3. Direct attention to your lips, use a bold lip colour/lip gloss to make your lips stand out.
  4. Use a bit of matte bronzer on your neckline to enhance it and draw attention away from your double chin.
  5. Finally, keep your hair away from neckline. Opt for ponytail styles, or similar styles that sweep the hair off the neck.

These clever makeup tricks help disguise a double chin. Try them today and take a selfie.

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