Victoria Beckham Covers British Vogue October 2016



The stunning Victoria Beckham is on the cover of British Vogue October 2016 issue. This cover was photographed by Lachlan Bailey and it is an amazing shot. I love Victoria’s hair and makeup. Her pose is giving me life and her outfit is to die for. She slayed this October cover. I love Victoria’s signature minimal style. She always looks so chic and elegant, but doesn’t look like she tried too hard or put a lot of thought into it. This woman is the definition of Style; she oozes it even in her sleep.

In this Vogue issue, the 42-year-old fashion designer – Victoria Beckham shared a letter she wrote to her teenage self entitled, “What I wish I’d known”, in this letter, she discusses the changing taste in fashion, her relationship with husband – David Beckham, and advice she would have given her teenage self. Here are some excerpts from the letter –

“Learn more about football, especially the offside rule,” she tells herself, referring to her husband’s former career. “And yes, love at first sight does exist. It will happen to you in the Manchester United players’ lounge – although you will get a little drunk, so exact details are hazy,” Beckham adds, disclosing the details of the couple’s first meeting.

“While the other football players stand at the bar drinking with their mates, you will see David standing aside with his family. (He’s not even in the first team at this stage – you are the famous one.) And he has such a cute smile. You, too, are close to your family, and you will think how similar he feels to you. He’s going to ask for your number. (He still has the London-to-Manchester plane ticket on which you wrote it.)”




You can read her full letter in latest British Vogue issue, now available on newsstands.

What do you think of this cover?



Product Review: Shiatsu 4 Ball Rotating Heated Massager



I had the priviledge of trying out this amazing Lifemax Shiatsu 4 Ball Rotating Heated Massager and it felt as good as a full body massage at a Spa. I suffer from a few aches and pains every now and again (the life of a twin mummy, hehe), so you can imagine how useful this smart gadget would be for me. I can see myself putting my feet up every night, with this massager at work.

Here is what Lifemax has to say about this massager –

Embrace the Japanese way of massage with this special Shiatsu cushion. The cushion features 4 heated balls that work in the same way as a professional shiatsu masseuse would by using ‘finger pressure’ which is in fact what shiatsu means. This way anyone can have a relaxing massage to ease any muscle tension, without the price tag of a professional masseuse! The cushion will always be at hand too, making it great for a quick pamper session when ever you like!




Here are my thoughts are –


  1. It was easy to set up. it literally took me seconds to get it plugged and working. It also comes with a clear/simple manual.
  2. It is portable and easy to move around.
  3. It can be used on different parts of the body – neck shoulders and the lower back area.
  4. I love the green colour. It also comes in pink and brown.
  5. The 4 massage balls give an invigorating massage.
  6. It has an optional heat setting which is so handy.







I think this is a fab massager to have around at home or at the office. It works amazingly well. I am looking forward to making good use of it, especially the heat setting, which is fab for penetrating relief. I recommend this Shiatsu 4 Ball Rotating Heated Massager to anyone in need of a bit of massage at home, this is the massager to use. It is currently on sale on Prezzy Box for £44.95.


*PR sample.

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