Felicity Jones Covers Glamour Magazine January 2017

Say hello to the first Magazine cover with a 2017 date on it.

Felicity Jones is the cover girl for Glamour Magazine UK January 2017 issue and it looks promising.




I love this magazine cover. The up close shot is a beauty, and the hair and makeup looks amazing as well. I also like what she has on, it looks very colourful and pretty.

I have read excerpts of Felicity Jones’ interview on Glamour Website and I think this would be a fab read. Felicity chatted about her thoughts on feminism and equal pay, her Star Wars role and everything else in between.

Here are some quotes for your reading pleasure:


Felicity on… being a feminist:

“I’ve always been a feminist, and what I love in my work is being able to explore a full-sided woman and not patronise her. Particularly with Jyn, it’s such a rare opportunity to be able to play a female who’s not just thinking about romantic relationships.”


I like the fact that she is a feminist. Her interview sounds very honest.


Felicity on… equal pay:

“I want to be paid fairly for the work that I’m doing. That’s what every woman around the world wants. We want to be paid on parity with a man in a similar position. And I think it’s important to talk about it… It’s brave of those women to come forward and make a point about it. Now younger actresses will have a confidence in those discussions with their agents and be able to say, “Can we make sure that I’m being paid the right amount for the work that I’m doing?””


I would never understand why anyone would think to pay men more money over women for the same job just because they are men. It makes no sense to me but it happens. I like the fact that more women are speaking about this equality pay issue.

There is also a bonus special edition cover for January 2017, featuring Joe Wicks – social media health and fitness guru –




I really like this cover as well. I would love to read about building a multi-million pound business.

I like the fact that Glamour is raising the bar very high by starting 2017 with 2 amazing magazine covers. I can’t wait to see what the other British magazines would come with now.

What do you think of both covers? Will you be buying this issue? What are your thoughts on the equality pay issue?

Sound off in the comment section please.

Twitter – My Favourite Social Media Platform

If you follow me on Twitter, you would know how active I am on there, and how much I am into it. I love the Twitter as a social media platform. I think it is so amazing.


Fashion and Style Police Blog Image


Twitter has proven to be a valuable tool where you can keep up with what’s happening in your niche, get in touch with your fans and reach out to potential clients. But just like other social media platforms you need to be active on Twitter to reap the immense benefits it offers for freelancers and bloggers.

Unlike other social media platforms that have large character limits, what you write on Twitter is restricted to 140 characters. That’s why Twitter is referred to as a micro-blogging platform. All the information shared is brief and straight to the point.

There’s hardly any freelancer or blogger who doesn’t have an account on Twitter. As far as building a client base and fan base is concerned, Twitter has got what it takes to get you connected with the right people who will be interested in working with you and keeping up-to-date with the valuable information you share.

Here’s a rundown on some of the reasons why Twitter is my favourite social media platform.


I am in touch with quick firsthand information

To be on top of your game as a freelancer and blogger, you need to make sure that you know what is happening in your niche. Knowing what is happening in my niche keeps me in tune with the current trends, so I don’t miss out on the latest development, tools, practices and ideas.

I also keep up with news and current affairs o Twitter. If I hear of anything newsworthy, I go on Twitter first (rather than a news website) where I can find different links to various websites. With the “Retweet” function in Twitter, I can also share the latest information with my followers.


You’re able to easily increase your reach

Thanks to Twitter, hashtags have become very popular with millions of people using different hashtags everyday. With hashtags, information is indexed against relevant hashtags. Using relevant hashtags will help you reach out to more people as there are many people browsing through those hashtags.

Where a hashtag is trending, using the trending hashtag helps to increase the visibility of your tweet. So, when you use a hashtag that your potential client is using, you’re more likely to get in contact with people who will be interested in your products or services.

Twitter also helps draw in more followers for your brand or business. It also makes it really easy for people who have questions to get in touch with you. Thanks to its convenience, it makes it easy for you to send them a quick reply too.


You’re able to contact your potential client directly

Although email is an effective way to pitch to potential clients, developing a relationship with them on Twitter helps you to get your pitch considered faster. It creates a form of familiarity that will transform you from being the person pitching your services to someone who genuinely wants to help out.

You need to note that it’s not best to pitch to your target audience directly. Remember this is social media and you’re expected to build relationship with people. So always start off from the point of building solid relationships, rather than bugging them with what you have to offer.


Are you as in love with Twitter as I am?






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