5 Tips for helping your child with their writing skills

Writing is one of the four key skills of language development that helps an individual to communicate effectively. They are:- Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The skills are acquired in order.

However, in this article, our focus is going to be in Writing. Writing is an active skill that is crucial in this day and age. However, parents often wonder how they can improve their kids writing skills.


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Writing is not am an easy task, and it may take time to develop a strong sense of writing. But parents can do a lot to help their kids accomplish this skill through a set of fun activities.  For instance, if your child learn about composition writing for primary school students, they are sure to benefit.


The Top 5 Tips Your Child Needs to Focus on To Better His Writing Skills

So, if you are a parent, bookmark the following tips that will make writing a fun task for your child.

  1. Reading

Reading is the learning skill that leads up to writing. It is important to introduce kids to regular reading that will help strengthen their writing skills.

Reading helps children acquire new words and vocabulary that can be used during writing. However, if you have a young child, it is best always to practice reading together.

  1. Avail a variety of writing materials.

Providing kids with fun writing materials such as colourful worksheets and pens is a great move. However one can make the process even more fun.

Switching up materials or creating worksheets can be motivational tools.  For instance, instead of regular pens or markers try finger painting or sidewalk chalk on the pavement.

  1. Create a conducive writing station.

Create a corner of your house specifically for writing. Space should be free from distractions. Space should inspire kids to want to write, thus should have all writing materials.

However, designing an authentic reading space especially for kids can be tough. Fortunately, the reading environment does not have to be one place then it is best to switch it up. And one more piece of advice, ensure space is rich in the paint because this will attract kids.




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  1. Motivate writing for particular reasons.

For instance, you can encourage your kids to keep a journal. This is a fun way for them to put down their thoughts as they write especially on a daily basis.

You can also motivate them to write new short stories about things that inspire them. If your daughter loves princesses, then you can help her write a new short story about princesses.

  1. Praise their work.

Learn to celebrate your child’s writing milestones. Every time they have a new piece of writing encourage them by reinforcing, them positively.

Eventually, their confidence will build up and the more they will want to write.


Writing isn’t just a way to write. It’s also a medium to express and a way to learn more. Learning language and being able to express yourself is one of those life skills that’s going to help your child in their career, no matter what they choose to become.


Do you have any writing tips for kids to share?


*Collaborative post.

Why You Should Write Everyday



As a blogger and freelance writer, writing takes up a major part of my life. My business practically runs on writing! Writing consistently has not only helped my business grow but it has also helped me grow as a person. What many people don’t realize is that writing has a lot of benefits. But to get the best out of writing, you need to write regularly, and when I say regularly, I mean everyday.
Writing 2-3 times a week or whenever you feel like it, will not give you the full benefits writing has to offer. Just to let you know why I set aside time everyday to write, I’ll share with you why it’s important to write daily.
1.    It helps you improve your writing
This is an obvious result of writing. “Practice makes perfect.” It’s also true when it comes to writing. As you write everyday, you find yourself strengthening your writing skill. You’ll find your writing voice and unique style. It also helps to increase your proficiency in writing and your writing speed, which is great when you have to write multiple articles in a day.
2.    It helps you grow an audience
Writing everyday helped me grow my audience from zero readers to the thousands of readers I have now. When you write everyday and publish your writing online, more and more people get to see what you’ve written. As you show up everyday, more and more people start to look forward to your posts, and before you can say ‘bow-wow’, you have a following.
3.    Writing gives you clarity
Writing helps you to see things in a different perspective. This happens a lot when you journal or when you freely write your thoughts down. Your thoughts begin to align and all the unresolved issues fall in place. You begin to gain more clarity in your life. It helps you reflect on your thoughts and actions. Writing is therapeutic for many.
4.    It makes it easier to come up with new ideas
Writing forces you to come up with fresh ideas. It challenges you to gain deep insights about the things that interest you or events that happen in your life. Gradually, you find yourself turn into someone who is always in discovery mode. It helps you to stay creative and open-minded.
5.    It makes it easier to express yourself
You know those inner feelings or thoughts that you want to say but you don’t know the right words to use? Well, what writing does is to challenge you to find the right words to use. It pushes you to learn new ways to give a voice to your deep feelings and inner thoughts. As you keep up with this writing exercise, it becomes easier for you to express yourself and you’ll learn new words and phrases that will make your writing more meaningful.
Writing is a process. When you keep up with it, you’ll wish you had started it sooner. The effect of writing does not lie in the number of words you write. It lies in how often you write. So you can write 300 words or 1000 words daily, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that you write daily, when possible of course.

Do you write daily? Do you find writing therapeutic?

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