The Kiddies go back to school in style

The Kiddies resumed school this week and it has been extremely busy over here. We are getting into a new school routine and they have handled pretty well. It is their first year in Primary School. They rounded up Pre School in July and they have been counting sleeps to their first day in Big School for about a week now. I am happy they are loving school as much as they are. It would have been extremely hard if they didn’t like it so much. I don’t know how I would have handled it if they started to cry or didn’t want to go into their classrooms. That may have been the end of the whole back to school 😂


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But thankfully we didn’t have to deal with any tears or tantrums. The first day was quite emotional as expected. I was feeling all sorts of emotions at the same time. A part of me was happy to see them go and another part was wishing I had them for a few more weeks. This thing called motherhood is just too hard 😢


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We got some first day at school photos taken (We had to get that done, they looked too cute in their school uniforms) and off to school we went. I almost started balling at the school gate thanks to a little one not wanting to let her mummy go. But thankfully I held it together. The last thing I needed was for them to know how much I was struggling to let them go.

Day 2 went quite well. We didn’t have the rain to deal with, which was good. And we all knew what was expected already. I am happy to see them settling into school and the new routine.


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My prayer is that they carry on loving school as much as they do. Their love for school and learning new things amazes me. I know they are going thrive and show everyone just how amazing they really are. And I am eager to see where this new journey takes us all. The world is now your centre stage my loves, go and shine brighter than diamonds.


Back to school 2018 image Lifestyle Blog Image



How are your kids finding the first week of being back to school?

5 Tips for helping your child with their writing skills

Writing is one of the four key skills of language development that helps an individual to communicate effectively. They are:- Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. The skills are acquired in order.

However, in this article, our focus is going to be in Writing. Writing is an active skill that is crucial in this day and age. However, parents often wonder how they can improve their kids writing skills.


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Writing is not am an easy task, and it may take time to develop a strong sense of writing. But parents can do a lot to help their kids accomplish this skill through a set of fun activities.  For instance, if your child learn about composition writing for primary school students, they are sure to benefit.


The Top 5 Tips Your Child Needs to Focus on To Better His Writing Skills

So, if you are a parent, bookmark the following tips that will make writing a fun task for your child.

  1. Reading

Reading is the learning skill that leads up to writing. It is important to introduce kids to regular reading that will help strengthen their writing skills.

Reading helps children acquire new words and vocabulary that can be used during writing. However, if you have a young child, it is best always to practice reading together.

  1. Avail a variety of writing materials.

Providing kids with fun writing materials such as colourful worksheets and pens is a great move. However one can make the process even more fun.

Switching up materials or creating worksheets can be motivational tools.  For instance, instead of regular pens or markers try finger painting or sidewalk chalk on the pavement.

  1. Create a conducive writing station.

Create a corner of your house specifically for writing. Space should be free from distractions. Space should inspire kids to want to write, thus should have all writing materials.

However, designing an authentic reading space especially for kids can be tough. Fortunately, the reading environment does not have to be one place then it is best to switch it up. And one more piece of advice, ensure space is rich in the paint because this will attract kids.




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  1. Motivate writing for particular reasons.

For instance, you can encourage your kids to keep a journal. This is a fun way for them to put down their thoughts as they write especially on a daily basis.

You can also motivate them to write new short stories about things that inspire them. If your daughter loves princesses, then you can help her write a new short story about princesses.

  1. Praise their work.

Learn to celebrate your child’s writing milestones. Every time they have a new piece of writing encourage them by reinforcing, them positively.

Eventually, their confidence will build up and the more they will want to write.


Writing isn’t just a way to write. It’s also a medium to express and a way to learn more. Learning language and being able to express yourself is one of those life skills that’s going to help your child in their career, no matter what they choose to become.


Do you have any writing tips for kids to share?


*Collaborative post.

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