A Man in a Suit



So today I bring to you a different outfit post. The M has taken over!!

There is nothing dapper than a man in a suit, a man in a well fitted suit always looks good. There are so many suit designers and shops around today, but it can be very hard to find quality amongst them. Many are not as good as they should be and that is the reason we have many men walking around in ill fitted suits. Honestly,  I do a double take at some suits I see. There is nothing worse than an ill-fitted suit!

Dobell got in touch with Fashion and Style Police some weeks ago, and offered me the golden opportunity to select some pieces for a man in my life and I was super excited. It is a blog takeover kind of, with M strutting his fashion stuff this week and I am enjoying it.

For those who have never heard of Dobell before, it is a leading online formal wear store for men and boys of all ages, established in 2003. It was voted best value formal wear in the UK by the Daily Mail, and the pieces and design speak for themselves. This is a quality brand right here.

This was my first time shopping on the Dobell website and I found it super easy to navigate my way through. I was also spoilt for my choice, there were so many options to choose from but I finally settled on a contemporary suit (blazer, trousers and waistcoat), a red silk twill tie, and a light blue shirt. I was happy to see them look so dapper on the mister. I went for this contemporary look because it is always in fashion and it is so easy to style.





The quality of this suit and the fine tailoring is impeccable. I am in love.

I recommend Dobell 100%. These guys definitely know their stuff!




His shoes are also giving me life right now. I am so into quality shoes at the moment. There is nothing as cool as a man or woman rocking cool stylish shoes.




All pieces  c/o Dobell

Black Shoes – Baker Shoes




Zoella Covers Cosmopolitan UK November 2016


The Youtube superstar – Zoella (real name Zoe Sugg), is the cover girl for Cosmopolitan Magazine UK November 2016 issue. I can clearly see myself grabbing a copy of this issue. I would love to read about Zoella’s secret life. I have heard and read a lot about her but I am always up to read some more about any influential social media star. I must confess, I have never watched any of her YouTube videos, but I have read her blog a few times, so I would love to know more about her.

Here are some excerpts from her interview with Cosmo:

On her struggle with anxiety –

“I have had anxiety since before I started doing this,” she explains. “I think it changes and adapts with your life. I have a therapist who I speak to every week without fail and that’s been the biggest help because I’m now doing things that I never thought I’d be able to do.”

On wellbeing –

“I’m one of those people who thinks everyone should have a therapist. People go to the gym, they eat healthily and visit the hairdressers but no one really looks after their mind.”

On her dream –

“My dream is to be able to just hop on the train one day and come back again, and I know I’ll get to that point but up until then I have to take lots of little baby steps. One of my big things is to visit Australia and New Zealand. That’s my main goal.”




The interview sounds like a fab read. The other articles sound fab too, and I can’t wait to get my hands on this issue. However I am not a fan of the cover at all. It looks “too photoshopped” and I am not a fan of the entire look.

What do you think of this Cosmo cover? Will you be buying this issue? Do sound off in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely week.

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