Freelancing – The Journey So Far

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I have been blogging on Fashion and Style Police for almost 4 years now. This October will make it exactly 4 years and I have been reflecting on how far I have come, and where I have my eyes on – the top. My blogging journey has been on for a while now but my freelance journey actually started the summer of last year. I stumbled on the freelance path by accident. I have always to work for myself. I feel the only way up to the heights I want to attain is through freelancing or running my own business. But I never had the guts to do it.

Before becoming a mumprenuer, I had a customer service job I hated with a passion. It was just one of those jobs people do for the paycheck, nothing more. I am a complete introvert, so working in an office with noisy colleagues was a big struggle. They did not understand my reserved nature and I didn’t understand why they could not be quiet for 5 minutes. A clash of personalities is a recipe for disaster, and that is how it felt for me then. I was also not enjoying having angry customers screaming at me all day (I wrote a bit about my life before blogging in my book – How to Cash In as a Blogger, so do have a read if you have not done so already.

I always dreamed of running my own business one day. I was never 100% sure of what I would be doing but I knew I was not caught out for the regular 9-5. Having my twins opened my eyes to earning money from home. I realised I could do a lot more with my blog and social media platforms, while caring for them at home.

I also realised I could make the most of my digital marketing background and offer Freelance PR services to businesses in need of it. And that is how I became a PR Girl.


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My freelancing journey has been a roller coaster. I have learnt a lot and I am sure I would continue learning. It has not been easy, but it has been so worth it. Life as a freelancer can be hard and lonely some days but I rather have that than my previous job.

If you are thinking of going freelance or setting up your own business from home, here are some of the good things of working for yourself you will need to remember on difficult days –


Flexible Working Hours

This is a big one for me. I wanted to raise my kids myself and earn money at the same time. So I needed a very flexible job to pay the bills. Blogging and freelancing are doing just that. I like the fact that I can work from anywhere, anytime. It is the best feeling ever.


Creating My Income

The fact that I create my income is a major turn on for me. It feels epic! I find that the harder I work, the luckier I get.


Doing What I Love

The best part of it is that I love what I do so it doesn’t feel like work as such.


Here are some not so good things of working for yourself –

Chasing Invoices

I hate this part right here but I have been told it s the reality of many businesses. Chasing invoices is not my favourite task. It is more of a chore that needs to be done and I find myself doing it every week. That is why I cherish clients that make my job/life easier by paying invoices quickly.


Constantly Worrying

Working for myself means the fate of the business is in my hands. There is no one to blame for the failure of a task, for not meeting a deadline, or for not achieving the desired results. It all balls down to me and that makes me worry sometimes. Constantly worrying about where the next pay check will come from is scary but it keeps me grounded and focused on my goals.


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My freelancing journey has been a hell of a ride but I won’t have it any other way. I am a work in progress and I can’t wait to write another update

Do you work for yourself full-time or as a side hustle? How are you finding it?



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