Stop Believing These Beauty Myths

It’s a good thing to know the right tips and hacks to help you enhance your beauty. But over the years, social media has been able to make us believe some “beauty secrets” that are simply not true.

We have all fallen victim of these beauty myths at some point in our lives – perhaps some of you still believe these myths until now. So, I have put together 6 beauty myths that you should stop believing. I’m sure this will change your life.


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Beauty Myth #1: Your concealer should be lighter than your foundation

We see it all over Instagram and YouTube in almost every makeup tutorial that the concealer must be lighter than your foundation. But that’s far from the truth.

You don’t need a lighter shade of concealer. Concealers ought to be the same colour as your skin tone as this will help cover the dark areas under your eye or blemishes and ensure that you have a more even skin colour.


Beauty Myth#2: You can erase your pores with the right products

It can get a little annoying seeing the large pores on your face. However, nothing can actually be done to erase pores. This is because pores are part of your skin. So don’t be deceived when you come across a product that promises to erase your pores.

The best those products can do is to temporarily reduce the size of your pores. They do this by unclogging the pores. But after some time, your pores will get clogged again and expand as they fill up.


Beauty Myth #3: You must apply eye cream with your ring finger

Ever wondered why many women use their ring finger to tap eye cream into their skin? The ring finger is the weakest finger in your hand. The skin around your eyes is sensitive, so you have to be very gentle on those areas. Since your ring finger is weak, you don’t have to worry about applying too much pressure while applying eye cream.

But the truth is that it really doesn’t matter which finger you use. What’s important is that you apply eye cream gently irrespective of the finger you use.



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Beauty Myth #4: Your hair grows longer when you trim

When your hair is not growing as long as you wanted it to, the first tip someone would give is to trim your hair regularly. But trimming your hair won’t help you retain length.

Each time you trim your hair, you’re cutting off length. You hair doesn’t get to grow beyond its usual length because you keep cutting it off.

If you really want to grow your hair, give yourself frequent scalp massages. Doing this will help stimulate blood flow and reduce stress on your scalp, which will make your hair grow longer.


Beauty Myth #5: Your acne diminishes when you apply toothpaste

Remember this trick? I did this a lot when I was younger. Thank goodness I saw the light! Well, now the truth is out. Applying toothpaste on your skin doesn’t reduce acne or diminish redness. Most times it just irritates the skin.

The ingredients in your average tube of toothpaste are actually too harsh for your skin. This promotes adverse effects rather than solve your skin issues.


Beauty Myth #6: Your hair grows thicker when you shave

There are many ways to get rid of unwanted hair on your body. However, the method that is frowned at a lot is shaving your hair. People believe that when you shave your hair it comes back thicker. The truth is that your hair doesn’t actually grow thicker when you shave. When your hair grows, the strand closest to your skin has a thicker base then thins out at the tip. This gives off the illusion that your hair is growing thicker.


What are your thoughts on these beauty myths?

5 Days On YouTube & An Unboxing Video

I have been active on YouTube for 5 days now and I am loving it! And I now have an Unboxing Video live on there. I have had my YouTube Channel since 2012 when Fashion and Style Police was born. But I never got around to putting up video content for some weird reason. I have finally decided to give YouTube a go and I am loving every bit of it. I now wish I started a lot sooner but it is better late than never.

Vlogging has been fun so far. It is something new and different. I have kind of mastered blogging which is why I decided to step into YouTube as well. I have bene learning quite a lot about video editing and all the act of publishing video content. It has been a learning curve for me and I am super thankful for my MacBook Pro. It has been the learning process a lot easier.

My second YouTube video is now live on my channel, It is all about unboxing the Nokia Steel Activity & Sleep watch. I shot this unboxing video on my MacBook Pro and I am happy with the quality of the video. I still have a lot to work on and there is always room for improvement. But for a second video and my channel being only 5 days old, I am happy with my progress.

Here is the link to the second video –


Unboxing Nokia Steel Activity & Sleep Watch


And here is a link to my first video if you missed it –

Fashion and Style Police is on YouTube


YouTube is fun. I can see how easy it can be to get obsessed with it all. My first love will always be blogging. I love writing and nothing can ever take that place in my heart. However, YouTube is one platform I am looking to explore to the fullest.

If you haven’t subscribe to my channel please do. I aim to publish videos as often as I can.

Do you vlog? What are your thoughts on it? What do you think of this Nokia Steel Activity & Sleep Watch?

Insider Tips on How to Travel Cheap

Is travelling to different countries on your bucket list? As much as I love travelling and all the wonderful experiences it brings, I must admit that it costs a lot. But the more determined I was to travel more frequently, the more I tried to find cheaper ways to make it happen.

Of course, staying at an Airbnb, booking flights in advance and travelling during the off seasons helped me to cut back on travel expenses. However, I did come across some really nifty inside tips that made a huge difference.


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Go all inclusive

A travel tip is to go all inclusive when book your trip. This way you will as save so much money on dining out, but still get the dining out experience, since the hotel’s restaurants will be included in your package. If you are after a relaxing holiday, where you won’t have to worry about where or what to eat, then go all inclusive and save money and time. You can find these packages on


Get flight alerts

What if there was something that could monitor when air fares drop? Google Flights is just the thing that gives you airfares in real-time. You also get alerts of the cheapest air tickets and get notified when the air fares drop.

Google Flights gives you the option to type in your departure and arrival and instantly know the cheapest airfare on the calendar. That way you know exactly when you can travel at a lower rate.


Subscribe for an airline’s newsletter

I know how newsletters can be a huge menace in your inbox, but if you’re someone who wants to travel more at a cheaper rate then you should subscribe to an airline’s newsletter.

Usually airline newsletters give information about their flash sales, discounts, attractive deals and last-minute getaways. As a subscriber you get all those insider information that will give you the opportunity to travel cheaper.

Be a regular user of an airline

Being a regular user of an airline comes with great perks. It opens you to bonuses, upgrades and waived baggage fees and excellence seat choices. All those help you save hundreds of pounds off your travel expenses and give you a better travel experience.

Is there a particular airline you keep using? Find out what opportunities are available to you now as a regular customer of that airline.



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Get an airline credit card

This is for those who aren’t frequent flyers but would still like to enjoy cheaper airfares and great deals.

Some airlines offer credit cards that come with bonuses that will help you save a lot on your travel fares just by signing up. You don’t necessarily have to use the airline credit card before you can enjoy the benefits. Just having the card has its advantages.

Go to non-tourist spots

Popular tourist spots are always expensive and they attract millions of people every year. But you can still enjoy the best from the country of your choice when you go to the non-tourist spots. Plus, it’s so much easier on the pocket. You can save a lot of money going to non-tourist spots. Most times such places give you a deeper experience of the country you’re thinking of travelling to.

Travel on the cheapest days

Not many people know this trick but airfares are not the same every day. There are certain days in the year called the “dead week” when travelling is so much cheaper. Take advantage of those days to book your flight and save a lot from your airfare.


Do you have any travel tips to share?






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