Sienna Miller Covers Harper’s Bazaar Magazine UK April 2017

Sienna Miller is on the cover of Harper’s Bazaar Magazine UK April 2017, and she looks fab on it.



Sienna wears Burberry dress and cape with Harry Winston and Tiffany & Co jewellery on the newsstand cover, photographed by Alexi Lubormirski and styled by Leith Clark.

I am a huge fan of Harper’s Bazaar magazine covers, I think they stand out on the newsstands for the right reasons, and they always look so good. This cover right here is no exception, I love everything about it, Sienna Miller looks so pretty.

In her interview with Harper’s Bazaar, Sienna talks about her life, family and career. Here are so excerpts from the interview –


Why she moved to New York

‘I just like the idea that you come to New York and you do something. London was all gorgeous and great, but I’m really trying to kick myself up the ass in some way, and New York is very good at doing that.’


On her ex-partner – Tom Sturridge

‘We still love each other,’ she explains. ‘I think in a break-up somebody has to be a little bit cruel in order for it to be traditional, but it’s not been acrimonious in a way where you would choose to not be around that person. We don’t live together, as has been reported recently, but we do half the time. Everybody will stay over or we’ll all go on holiday and that’s because we genuinely want to be around each other. It’s great for our daughter that she has two parents who love each other and are friends. He’s definitely my best friend in the entire world.’


Sienna wears Simone Rocha dress with Jimmy Choo shoes and Chanel fine jewellery


I love this shot so much. It looks heavenly; so out of this world!

What do you think of this Harper’s Bazaar cover? I would love to read it. Will you be reading?






5 Ways to be a Fabulous Fashion Blogger

There are so many fashion blogs these days, it is like a new blog pops up every second, and most of the time, that blog is a fashion blog.




I understand why most of these blogs are fashion blogs. Many people think as long as they have nice pieces, they can blog about them. But Fashion Blogging is a lot more than that. Yes you need nice pieces if you intend to blog about your personal style, but for your blog to stand out from the rest, it needs to be fabulous. Here is how you do that:


Be consistent and regular

To make it as a blogger, regardless of your niche, you have to be consistent and regular. Your readers have to know when to expect a post and they should not be left waiting for too long. I check my favourite blogs almost every day, and I will be disappointed to not see a new post(s) when I check. Being consistent and regular with your blog content is one way to be a fabulous fashion blogger.

Tip: Blog as regularly as you can to build your content and following.


Show off your personal style

For me to take you seriously as a fashion blogger, I would want to see your personal style. If I wanted just fashion tips and trends, I would check the likes of ELLE and Vogue. I also love to read about fashion tips, trends, news and all, on blogs, but I like to see the blogger’s personal style too. So showing off your personal style regularly is one way to stand out from the crowd of fashion bloggers. However you must have a personal style to nail this.

Tip: If you want a general fashion blog, have a mixture of fashion posts –  outfit posts, celebrity style, fashion news, trends and so on. I wrote 30 blog posts ideas for fashion blogs some months, so have a read if you are struggling to come with post ideas.




Pretty pictures

Your pictures have to stand out for you to be recognised in the fashion blogging industry. Invest in a great camera and get someone to take your shots. You could also get a photographer to take your outfit photos, I know many fashion bloggers who do. Tripods are also handy for when you are alone.

Tip: Avoid taking photos indoors as much as you can. Indoor photos are usually not the prettiest. Invest in a DSLR.


Active on social media

Have your social media accounts set up. For fashion bloggers, I recommend Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and Facebook, in that order. Post varied and regular content to your social media accounts. Follow relevant accounts in the fashion industry and work on growing your tribe.

Tip: Follow fashion bloggers, PRs, fashion brands, fashion designers and anyone else that catches your fancy. It is called social media for a reason, so be social.




Avoid fake goods

I see so many fashion bloggers posing with fake designer bags and shoes, and it is such a major turn off for me. I personally can’t stand counterfeit goods. I wrote extensively about this awhile ago, and it worries me that so many fashion bloggers think that their fastest way to the top is to pose rocking fake items, because they can’t afford the real deal.

I believe you should own whatever you have and can afford. If all you can afford is Primark, it is fine. It is all in the style. If you can afford Givenchy, that is fantastic, own it. But please don’t show up rocking a fake Chanel bag and expect people to take you seriously.

The whole idea behind personal style bloggers is you showing your readers how to work with what they have or aspire to have, and give them style ideas. That should be the main focus, and not how many “designer items” you have.

Many bloggers come into fashion blogging missing this vital point and they struggle from there. They wonder why no one is reading or taking them seriously.

Tip: Stick to original items you can afford. Do not buy items only to return back to the store, your blog is not a catalogue!


These are the 5 ways to slay the fashion blogging world this 2017. Feel free to add your tip in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading.


Win £200 Feelunique Voucher this Christmas

Christmas is a season of love, family, relaxation and of course giving. That is why Go Girl Car Insurance has teamed up with Feelunique to reward a lucky person with a £200 voucher this Christmas.




For those who have never heard of Go Girl Car Insurance, it is an online insurer, suited to many types of drivers including those looking for car insurance as a provisional driver. Their comprehensive cover includes windscreen cover, legal cover, personal accident cover and a courtesy car if yours has to be repaired following an accident as well as up to £200 handbag cover if your handbag is stolen whilst kept out of sight in a secure car. There are also optional extras that can be added to a policy so it is tailored to your specific needs.

This online insurer uses email and SMS to keep in touch, and all customer documents are available to be viewed and downloaded at any time on your own secure document portal, making it very easy and convenient for online surfers like me to access relevant documents on the go.

For this Go Girl Car Insurance £200 Feelunique voucher competition, you can shop a huge range of products from the biggest, most exclusive names in beauty, fragrance and makeup. From Chanel right through to Zoella’s new range of beauty products and cosmetics. Feelunique stocks most of the biggest brands in the beauty industry. So you are sure to find everything you need to look and feel amazing (as far as skincare and makeup is concerned) this Christmas.

For a chance to win this Feelunique £200 voucher, you need to go on the website (link above), and answer the questions on the page.

The competition closes on Thursday, 22 December 2016 and the winner will be emailed an e-voucher on Friday, 23 December 2016. The terms and conditions of the competition are also on the website.

I am off to enter the competition now, good luck guys. And let me know if you do enter the competition.


*This is a collaborative post.

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