How to start your very own fashion business

Fashion. A career path only reserved for the artistic, the creative, and the passionate. In the world of fashion, there is no room for imitation. So if you got the right skill, you are good to go! What better way to put these skills to use than to become the next Vera Wang and start your own fashion business.


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Imagine working for yourself. Imagine, no rush hour commute, no stroppy colleagues to deal with, and you can even work in your onesie if you so wish. Sounds like heaven, well imagine combining this work set-up with your ultimate passion. Perfecto!


Where to start?

Here is where you need to start; you need to come up with that amazing piece to get your name out there. Diane von Furstenberg did it with the stylish wrap dress, what will yours be? Think unique, distinctive and exclusive.



Next you need to develop that design. It might require lots of takes, but eventually something will click and you’ll know when you have designed the ‘one’. Now it’s time to make a prototype, something to show your potential buyers. Source your own materials, find the right fabrics with the best texture, designs and colours that really match what you have been imagining.



How to start your very own fashion business



Getting the word out

Now it’s time to get your unique and distinctive piece of fashion out there for the entire world to see. Send images of the piece, styled into an entire outfit to fashion websites and magazines. Dress yourself in the piece and share images on social media of you looking fabulous. Offer to make prototypes to give to friends and family so that they can show it off to the world.



Next, you are going to need some sort of platform to sell your pieces on. By this stage, you may have a few different designs. The best way to publicise these is on your very own dynamic website with a website design that suits your needs as a business – because that is what you are now, no matter if you are selling 1 piece or 500 pieces, you are still a business.

If you’re a savvy techy, you can create your own website. If you struggle to even turn a computer on, you’re best looking for an agency to help you design and create your site. It’s important to have aesthetic touches as well as being user friendly.



So you’ve got your design, you’ve got your website, but how are people going to find your website? A little thing called SEO. You need to read up on how search engines operate and how people interact with them so that you can get a better understanding of what you need to achieve.  Next is the vital keyword research and content.

There’s loads of information out there on how to Search Engine Optimise, take some time to have a read and put into action what you have learnt and see your website grow.


Product development

As you grow as a business, it is important to develop from your one single brand. This way, it’s a consistent growth and the designs carry the same DNA right the way through. Product development is an important part of your fashion business.


Have a plan

You must have a strong plan and vision of the direction you want your business to head from the very beginning. Set yourself goals and know what your product is worth. If you believe in your product, this will shine through. Be confident, bold and proud.

Start with a marketing plan that sets out which customers you are going to be targeting, and how you are going to approach them. Look into PR and communication resources; these are useful tools to support you to bring your work to a wider audience.


Remember, not all fashion businesses have to operate at the very high-end of luxury, this may be where you want to be eventually, but start realistically. Your business concept needs to offer a clear proposition of value to the customers – now get to work and clarify your vision and set a roadmap on how to get there!


Have you ever thought of starting a fashion business or any other type of business? What is stopping you?


*Collaborative post.

Style Icon & Beauty Muse – Alesha Dixon

I have followed Alesha Dixon’s career and style since her days in Mis-Teeq group. And I have been a fan for as long as I have known her. For those who do not know, Alesha Dixon is an an English singer, rapper, model, television presenter & talent show judge. I fell in love with her rap lyrics while I was a teenage. She flowed so effortlessly and she made it look so cool. It was impossible not to love. I wonder where the other 2 members of Mis-Teeq are today. Not heard or seen anything from them in years now.


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Today, the stunning Alesha Dixon is one Fashion and Style Police because of her great taste in fashion and her gorgeous face. Here are 2 of her beauty tips you may find useful –


I put my eye cream in the fridge. Perhaps it’s psychological, but I feel like it’s doing a better job at reducing eye bags if it’s cold! 

I really like this beauty tip and I can imagine it working well for me. I am so going to try it.


I also love oils, such as coconut oil and vitamin E oil, which I’ll apply all over my skin and hair last thing at night.

I love oils too! They are so handy to have around especially in this current season. Think I need to apply them so more at night.


Alesha Dixon’s Personal Style

When it comes to Dixon’s personal style, she prefers to go for more casual funky, almost tomboyish look. But when presenting on TV, she plays the part and goes for the whole glamorous look. I love the fact that her personal style is versatile. She looks amazing to me either way.


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What do you think of Alesha Dixon being a style icon and beauty muse? Are you a fan? Please drop your comments below.


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