How I Got my Pre Pregnancy Body Back

I have spoken a few times about my pregnancy weight and post pregnancy body. I didn’t add on too much weight whilst pregnant with my twins, but I wanted to get rid of the extra pounds. It was not difficult to lose the weight. It just fell off after some months but I needed to tone my body back to shape, especially my tummy. A question I always asked myself is “how many pushups should I be able to do?” I needed to get my body back into shape quick and I was not sure how to go about it.



pre pregnancy body image


The toning bit was hard and it took ages. I tried all sorts to get my tummy and body back to what it was pre pregnancy. It is not quite where it used to be but it is almost there. I feel I can (kind of) say I got my pre pregnancy body back. You never really get your body back after having a baby. It is one of those things that I don’t see ever really get back to normal. Not the inside or the outside. Bringing life to the world takes a lot out of us mothers, whether we see it or not. Forget the good jokes about how easy celebrities snap back into their pre baby body, with their abs and all weeks after delivery, that is not the reality for majority of us.

So how did I do it? Here are some changes I made in the pursuit of my pre pregnancy body.


I stayed active

I must confess, this was easily done with twins. I had no choice but to stay active. Being alone with the twins for majority of the day meant I had to be up and about, which left me feeling drained but helped to drop the extra pounds. Fitness workout videos on YouTube was my friend. All I had to do was pop a sports bra and some shorts and trainers, and I was ready to exercise from the comfort of my home.



Fitness image



Fitness kept me energised and sane. It also helped me stay fit and active which was good for my physical and mental wellbeing. I would have been lost without those fitness videos and I am thankful they exist. Going to the gym was not impossible for me, so this was the only way I could workout. And I could do almost every type of workout. From lifting straps to pushups to tone my tummy.


I walked

Prior to having my kids, I was not a huge fan of walking. That changed as soon as I had them. I found it easier to walk to many places. Pushing the pram on long walks also helped me get some fresh air and get some steps on my Fitbit. The twins loved it too so it was a win-win really. Going for walks wearing a pair of leggings with side pockets, meant I was able to listen to some of my favourite tunes too, with my iPhone tucked away safe.


I watched the calories

I have never needed to be on a. diet before, since I never put on weight easily. But I had to keep a watchful eye on my calories intake once I became a mother. I noticed I added weight a lot easier since pregnancy, so I had to cut down on the ice cream and the junk food. I found this easy to do because I knew I didn’t want to be overweight. Having the extra pounds on didn’t feel healthy at all. So it was a no brainer for me. The weight had to go, which meant there was no room for junk. It may sound vain, but I had a wardrobe filled with cute fancy outfits I needed to keep wearing.



Fitness routine image


I drank more water

I have never been a fan of drinking water. I know all about the benefits of drinking water but before my pregnancy, I rather drank Coke to be honest. However, once I got pregnant, all I wanted to do was drink water. I drank more water in my 9 months of pregnancy than I have ever done in my life, for as long as I can remember.

After having my kids, I decided to continue to drink as much water as I can and cut down on the fizzy drinks, and I have done exactly that. This has definitely helped me lose the extra pounds.


Are you struggling to get your pre pregnancy body back? Or have you snapped back already?


*Collaborative post.

24 responses

  1. Honestly, I did not even start paying attention to my body until after the 3rd child. I simply dropped everything including the tummy with the first 2. Also, maybe not eating much with those 2 helped with the calories area. With my third, I gained weight and had to run to the gym 3 weeks after I had him. LOL! I was scared! My body had never been the same since and the tummy bumps out now. I have been thinking about returning to the gym lately. Fingers crossed!

  2. You look absolutely incredible! And it’s such an achievement, you must be so proud. I’m sure other new mums will find this so helpful and inspiring

  3. This is such an inspirational post. I am currently expecting so I will save this post and all your tips for when the time comes. Thanks for sharing this!

  4. Sounds like a healthy attitude to weight loss – I think many people think they should crash diet and it will disappear, but taking it steadily is definitely the way to go, its far more sustainable.

  5. being fit again after pregnancy is very important for self esteem and the right relationship with the baby: we are the very fist and last person we have to deal with for the whole day, so being comfortable with our body is crucial for relationships with others.

  6. I have a wedding and am bridesmaid in July so trying to get in shape, doing water and calorie counting but with breast feeding I am such a pig!

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