My Custom Stickers



Being an online entrepreneur means there is a lot of self promotion going on. I mean it would be silly to set up a blog or any kind of business and not promote the hell out of it. I just published a post on how blogging can be a job, so have a read and share your thoughts on it.

I am not quite a professional when it comes to self promotion. I am better at promoting others but I have come to realise that for me to promote others successfully, I have to be able to promote myself first. And that is where these custom stickers come in.




I got these custom stickers sent to me some days ago and I am loving them. They have been keeping me very busy.

The lovely people at StickerApp got in touch and offered to send me some custom stickers, and I jumped at the offer. I have always wanted stickers with my blog design, so this opportunity was amazing collaboration.

For those who have never heard of StickerApp, it is printing company with more than 9 years in the business of printing custom stickers, so these guys know what they are doing when it comes to stickers in general.

I found the StickerApp website very navigate, I didn’t need special instructions or dummies guide to place my order. It was a smooth process, and I got my custom stickers within a week of placing my order, which was fab. I went for a glossy coated vinyl material (which is actually StickerApp’s bestselling material), 14.4x3cm, and 84 in quantity, which I believe is more than enough. The order was just under £35, so it is quite affordable.




As you can see, I have been playing around with my stickers already, sticking them everywhere and anywhere. I find decorating my notebooks very relaxing. Do you find it relaxing?

The notepad above is where I write all my blog secrets, so many of my blog ideas and freelance work is drafted in there. I got this notepad at the beginning of the year and it doesn’t leave my sight. I am sure I would have covered the entire cover with the StickerApp custom stickers by the end of the week.



I am looking forward to promoting my brand some more with these stickers. I will be sticking them on my possessions and carrying them around with me. Who knows what will happen.

You can grab your stickers on the StickerApp website (link in bio), with this 20% discount code – STYLEPOLICE, valid until 1st December 2016.

What do you think of my custom stickers? Are you a fan of stickers? Sound off in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading and commenting.


*This is a collaborative post.


Can Blogging be a Full-time Job



Many people start blogging as a hobby. In fact, a majority of pro-bloggers started blogging as a hobby. They never thought blogging would turn into a profitable business. Some have been able to earn a comfortable income from blogging enough to quit their 9-5 jobs. But does blogging really have the potential to generate such income? Yes it does but it won’t happen for many bloggers.

Blogging is not like a conventional 9-5 job. It allows you flexible hours and you have the luxury of working from anywhere and anytime you want to. But it doesn’t quite work out for every blogger.

Before you can consider blogging as a full-time job, there are some things you need to consider.

There’s more that goes into blogging

Blogging does not only involve creating content and posting it on your blog everyday. There is a lot more to blogging than that. As a blogger you have to promote your posts, pitch to brands, sort out your bookkeeping (or employ someone else to) and engage with people. You have to be a Jack of all trades to succeed as a blogger. Such activities could take up as much as 80% of your time but it is responsible for as much as 90% of your success. It is those activities that will help you earn a comfortable living.

Avenues for multiple streams of income

The real business behind blogging lies in the services you offer and the products you create. Services like consultancy, affiliate marketing or writing sponsored posts help diversify your income and increase your chances of raising your income potential.

Creating courses, ebooks or premium content that you offer in a membership site will create some passive income. These multiple streams of income can make you earn a lot more than your 9-5 salary.

Ability to determine how much income you want to make

Conventional jobs restrict you to a fixed salary. Blogging on the other hand gives you the opportunity to dictate how much money you want to earn. If you want to earn more, you can add more income streams, raise your rates, accept and chase after more work.

Unlike a 9-5 job, as a blogger you are in control of how much you want to earn. Some bloggers were able to earn double and even triple the salary they earned from their 9-5 job. Some even make their one year salary from one month of blogging, it all boils down to how successful you are.

Job security is ensured

With blogging you never run the risk of losing your job or being fired. Your business is always secure. You are your own boss.

Conventional jobs don’t give you this same opportunity. You could lose your job at any time. You work under a boss and you are subject to his orders.

When you’re blogging, your primary duty is to your readers and to your clients: If they like your work, your products or your services, then you will get more views and comments, which will lead to more work/income.

Doing what you love

Self-fulfillment is important in your life. Blogging gives you the opportunity to do what you love. You are able to do what you enjoy doing and at the same time earn a living from it. When you do what you love, there’s no limit to how far you can go or how much you could earn. The sky is just your starting point.



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