OOTD: The Cape Trend

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Hey peeps. Happy Monday. I hope you all had a lovely Valentine’s Day. I did, I received some lovely presents, and we had a nice Thai lunch and binged on Netflix after. We are currently watching Breaking Bad, currently on season 3, and loving it. It was the best weekend ever. I hope you had a great time.

On the other hand, the weather has been HORRID, for lack of a better word. It has been so windy and cold. I think February has been the coldest month this winter. I am so looking forward to spring, I am so over winter already, I can’t wait for March to be here. The only thing I will miss is the winter layering, I find it so easy to look stylish during winter. It is the best fashion season ever.

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Luckily for me, it was cold, but bright enough to get some good shots so I took advantage of the weather, before heading out.

I have always loved the cape layering. I find capes so easy to style, and I think they look super chic over a lovely dress or top and skirt like I have on here. The good thing about capes as well is they can be worn as a light cover during spring and autumn months, so they are a good investment. I have quite a couple in my wardrobe, and I am so looking forward to styling them all differently. You will be seeing a lot of capes on Fashion and Style Police, so get ready to be inspired.

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What do you think of the cape trend? Do you like? Drop me a comment, let’s chat.

Thanks for reading and have a great week x



Cape – c/o Peacocks

Top and Skirt – Next

Tights – Next

Boots – H! by Henry Holland

Bag – Michael Kors

Sunnies – Miu Miu

Watch – Swatch


64 responses

  1. I love the cape/wrap trend now. I have used a wrap style for a few years as my style is quite quirky and individual. With them being on trend now it means I have been able to add too my wardrobe of them.

    As Danni says they are very useful for travelling. With a hooded cape it is great to pull down over your eyes when you are tired and travelling. Cool it doesn’t look. However when I need a power nap I am not bothered.

    Capes and wraps are so easy to wash and wear. Having health problems I find it much easier to wear than a coat or jacket as it is a looser fit on me. It is also easy to roll up and put in my bag if it gets too warm, or keep in my bag for a cooler evenings in the summer. Mind you I do carry a large bag

  2. I really love the cape with the fur beautiful. It is really gorgeous on you. I have none but will love to have one.Glad you had a wonderful valentine. I had a fantastic one too.

  3. don’t own cape and never bothered with them until just the other day my friend was wearing a lovely grey tartan one. I really want one now

  4. i love capes, i have one in the car that is ALWAYS in the car which is perfect if I need to just pop in to a shop or if i’m waiting for my boyfriend to finish work etc. yours looks gorgeous x

  5. Pingback: February 2016 Outfits « fashionandstylepolice

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