Tips For Wearing Hair Extensions At The Gym

Tips For Wearing Hair Extensions At The Gym picture

Image Source: Unsplash

If you are planning a New Year’s resolution to find that fitter version of you hiding somewhere and you wear hair extensions, you might be understandably concerned that the extensions won’t hold up to an intense physical workout. If this is the case, here are a few tips from the pros regarding working out with hair extensions.


  • Keep It Up – Seriously, if you want to burn those muscles to almost melting point, keep your hair up, making sure loose hair cannot catch on any of the gym equipment. If you are looking for the best human hair extensions, head over to the UK’s leading hair extensions supplier, where they have every shade and you simply choose your desired length. You might need a couple of hair ties to keep your hair in place and don’t worry about how you look, as long as your extensions are up and out of the way.


  • Beware Of Sweat – Of course, you can’t have a workout without sweating, yet too much sweat can damage your human hair extensions, which is why you should ensure that your hair is kept away from the skin. The salt in sweat can rapidly dry out your normal hair, which has its own natural way of replenishing the moisture, yet your extensions do not have this protection, so you need to keep them away from your skin, where sweat collects.


  • Use Conditioner – If you wet your Remy human hair clip in fringe, for example, and gently massage conditioner into the strands, then after 5-10 minutes, rinse with cold water, this locks in the moisture which will help to protect the extensions during your punishing workout routine. Do this 30 minutes before you work out and this will certainly help by sealing the hair in a protective coating of conditioner. There are some conditioners that are applied and left on the hair, and providing it does not contain alcohol, this is a good idea, as it will offer maximum protection. It might feel strange conditioning your hair before your workout but it is the protection you want, more than the nourishment, and it does help.


  • Post Workout Drying Hair Extensions – When you have wound down and washed and conditioned your hair, you should leave your hair to ‘air-dry’ until about 80% dry, then blow dry on the coolest setting. Never dry your hair extensions with a towel, as this will cause serious damage that would likely lead to tangling – while your extensions are actually human hair, they do lack the nutrients and natural protection that comes through the follicles – which means you have to handle the extensions carefully if you want them to remain in good condition.

Beauty blogger image

Image Source: Freepik

If you take good care of your human hair extensions, they provide a welcome long-hair look and with clip-ins, it only takes a few minutes to change from a short to a long hairstyle. Follow the above instructions prior to getting physical and your extensions will not suffer like your muscles.



6 Beauty Products Men Hate

Women like playing around with our look. We follow the latest trend in fashion and beauty, buy the latest makeup products and follow tutorials to create that perfect look.



Beauty products men hate image



I always wondered what men thought about all the effort we put in making ourselves look glamorous. So I did a bit of digging. I asked a few men on what they thought of some of the beauty/makeup products we used and here are the products men love to hate.


Lip gloss

In an attempt to make our lips look nice and healthy, we apply lip balm. Sometimes we want to make them more presentable and give our lips a bit of a shine by applying lip gloss.

Although lip gloss looks very appealing to us women, men don’t like them very much. They find lip gloss very sticky and hate how it tastes as well, when they go for a kiss.


Dark lipstick

Dark lipsticks are in vogue and it has become very common to see women with blue, deep purple and even black lipstick. Although we find dark lipstick appealing and stylish, many men don’t understand the idea behind such unnatural colours. Unfortunately for us ladies, men have been heard to make fun of our dark coloured lipsticks.


Hair extensions

Sometimes we need a little help when it comes to having good-looking hair. Due to hair damage, weak hair and the desire to have long hair, some of us go for hair extensions for the needed hair boost.

When you choose the right shade and have it fixed properly, hair extensions can look very appealing. However, this is another one the guys don’t seem to like much. When they run their hands through your hair and find their fingers get stuck in the parts where you attached the hair extensions it can be a big turn off for them.


Fake eyelashes

Fake eyelashes are another one on the list of beauty products men hate. We love and admire long beautiful eyelashes as they make one’s eyes look more alluring. And when we apply mascara, they make the eyes more distinct and gorgeous.  That is why women rush to fix fake eyelashes to get that desired look, if the natural eyelashes do not do the work. But men claim to hate it.


Glittery Eye shadow

You know the eye-catching glittery eye shadow we apply on those really fun days when we feel like trying something a little different? Glittery eye shadow adds glam to your outfit and makes you look amazing. However, some men claim to hate this particular type of makeup.


Fake nails

When we are feel like having a good pamper session, we usually go for a manicure and a pedicure. Fixing fake nails also adds to the whole glam. I used to be a huge lover of fake nails. I used to have them done regularly before I had my twins. But since I became a mother, I can’t be bothered to get the nails done.

Beautifully painted nails always look wonderful, but some men claim to have an issue with the fake nails.


According to my research, these are the beauty products men hate. What do you think of them? Did any surprise you?


PS –  Tongue in cheek sort of post.

I Like to Wig

I have always wondered what the issue was with people and wigs. There seems to be this idealogy that wigs are meant for only those who are suffering from a hair loss, and elderly people, and should not be a beauty item, but I strongly disagree.


Growing up, I was never a fan of wigs. They all looked similar and looked like WIGS, and I found them very unattractive. But nowadays, with the new generation wigs, I have fallen madly in love with them, and I have been a devout wearer for many years now. I have a lovely lady who makes majority of my wigs, and she is the real deal. I also got a few from some fabulous retailers.

The last time I had a weave (hair extensions attached to my hair) on was January 2016, and I have not missed them. Since I gave up using chemicals on my hair and having weaves installed, my hair has been in the best shape ever. It is healthy and growing like weed!



I gave up on wearing weaves because I needed my natural hair to breath, it was badly damaged and the only way I could give my hair the attention it was badly in need of, was to not have hair extensions attached to it.

The joy of wearing wigs is the ability to yank it off whenever I need to, or not to have it on if I don’t need/want to; it is also one of the best feelings in the world to sleep weave/wig free. For someone who has a very itchy scalp (anyone who knows me well enough can testify to this, and no, I don’t have dandruff or head lice, just a natural itchy scalp for whatever reason), wearing a wig means I don’t have to deal with the itch half as much as I used to when I had weaves on.

Wearing wigs also means I can change my look as often as I like. I have a few wigs in my collection, and I am looking to getting a few more in other styles this year.



Many people struggle to understand why any woman with good hair on her head would want to wear wigs instead. I see it in a different way. Wigs give me the opportunity to switch up my look, from the comfort of my home, whenever I feel like it. Wigs allow me sleep free and be free. Wigs allow me take care of my natural hair (this is a big one for me) the way it needs me to. And once my natural hair gets to the length I want it to, I can see myself wearing less of wigs, but for now, I am loving them.


What are your thoughts on wigs? Do you wear them? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.

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