Fashion & Style Police Reviews Shea Moisture

I am a huge fan of Shea Moisture hair products. I have used them for years since I transitioned to natural hair, and the products have been amazing for my hair. So you can imagine my excitement when I got the opportunity to review some Shea Moisture hair products from the Raw Shea and Cupuacu Frizz Defence range.

I have only used Shea Moisture hair products for Dry and Damaged hair because that was where my hair was at 2 years ago. It was extremely unhealthy and looked horrible. But thanks to Shea Moisture and some other great hair products, my hair is not where it used to be. It is growing at a terrific rate and I am looking to all the things I would do with my natural hair soon.


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Shea Moisture Raw Shea and Cupuacu Frizz Defence range

I have fallen in love with the products in this range and I know I will be implementing them into my hair care routine. Here are the product descriptions for each product.


Shea Moisture Raw Shea and Cupuacu Frizz Defence Conditioner

Amazonian Cupuaçu Butter, certified organic Raw Shea Butter, Passiflora and Pistachio Oils blend together in a conditioning formula that softens and detangles thick, wavy, protein sensitive hair. Smoothes and shields humidity-prone hair against weather conditions and pollution that can cause frizzy flyaways and poofing.



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Shea Moisture Raw Shea and Cupuacu Frizz Defence Shampoo

Gently cleanse and hydrate thick, wavy hair with this sulfate-free shampoo, great for protein-sensitive hair. Amazonian Cupuaçu Butter, certified organic Raw Shea Butter, Passiflora and Pistachio Oils blend together in a moisture-replenishing formula that smooths and shields humidity-prone hair against weather conditions and pollution that can cause frizzy flyaways.



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Shea Moisture Raw Shea and Cupuacu Frizz Defence Styling Gel Cream

This conditioning styling gel provides crunch-free definition and shine with lasting hold to thick, wavy hair. Amazonian Cupuaçu, certified organic Raw Shea Butter, Passiflora and Pistachio Oils blend in a protective formula that smoothes and shields humidity-prone hair against weather conditions and pollution that can cause frizzy flyaways and poofing.

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  1. The products smell amazing! I can still smell the shampoo and conditioner on my hair, hours after rinsing out.
  2. The shampoo is quite watery, unlike other shampoos I have used. I like the fact that it has a watery texture. I find it easier to apply.
  3. The shampoo and conditioner left my hair feeling very soft, clean, moisturised and tangle free.
  4. I like the fact that the products are sulphate-free.
  5. These products are great for protein sensitive hair.
  6. The packaging is vibrant.
  7. The products are quite affordable at £10.99 each at Boots stores.


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None. I can’t fault this range.


I love all three hair products, and I recommend them to anyone dealing with thick, wavy hair. These are the hair products you need to keep your hair soft, shiny and tangle free.


What are your thoughts on these Shea Moisture products? Please sound off in the comments section below.

Thanks for reading.


*PR samples.

How to Manage Natural Afro Hair

I have been keeping my natural hair for almost 2 years now, and the journey has been like a roller coaster ride. Some days, I get so sick and tired of the high maintenance nature of my natural afro hair, I feel like relaxing it. But then, I stop and remember why I decided to keep my hair natural, and that keeps me going.


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If you have been following my natural hair journey, you would know all about how unhealthy my hair was, which was the reason why I decided to keep my hair natural, free from chemicals.

My hair is now very healthy, and it is growing like weed, but it is so difficult to manage. Which is why I wear it in protective styles most times, and pop a wig on, which helps it grow.


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I have learnt many tricks and tips when it comes to managing my natural hair. I have a very coarse hair texture, so it is extremely difficult to manage my hair, but what works and what doesn’t.

Here are a few tips that work for my hair and may work for yours –


Moisturise everyday

I moisturise my hair everyday with water and Almond Oil in a spray bottle. I have a very dry scalp, and my hair tends to lose moisture very quickly, so using just water does not help. The Almond Oil helps soften my hair and retain moisture, which is great for my scalp and growth of my hair.


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Use a Deep Conditioner once a month

I use a deep conditioner once a month. This helps strengthen my hair, and leaves it shinning.

Use a Leave-in Conditioner

I use a Leave-in Conditioner everyday I have my afro out and twice a week when I have it in a protective style. It softens my hair, making it easy to manage, and it also helps in the growth.



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Haircare Picture


Wash every week

I wash my hair every week with Shea Moisture Shampoo and Conditioner. I make sure I leave the conditioner in for about 15 minutes before washing it out, which helps to soften my hair.


Wear my hair in protective styles to sleep

I never go to bed without putting my hair in a protective style, making sure to tuck in the tips.


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These tips have helped me in the pursuit of the Solange fro.

Do you have any tips or tricks that have worked for you to share? Please sound off in the comments section.

Thanks for reading and have a lovely day.



Natural Hair Transition Update



I hope I am not confusing you all with my many hairstyles. Well, this is my natural hair, I took these photos some weeks ago. I am currently transitioning to my natural hair texture, so no relaxers or chemicals whatsoever. But I still make use of my many wigs, so you will always see me photographed wearing 1. I can easily give Wendy Williams a run for her money when it comes to wigs. I am slowly growing my collection, and I am loving it. I find them so easy to style and maintain. I like the fact that I can yank it off as soon as I close my front door, or when I need to go swimming. It feels liberating!

Back to my natural hair transition, it has been great so far. My afro hair is growing beautifully and I even have my baby curls back, yayy!




I have not had the big chop yet and I am still not sure when or if I would have it. I guess I will grow my hair some more, and see how it goes. I am currently happy with how healthy my hair looks. I use African Pride Shea Butter Leave in Conditoner and growth oil, T444z Hair Food and Shea Moisture products, and I think they are doing a great job in keeping my afro hair shiny and healthy.


I very happy with the state of my hair but it is a lot of work to get the hair to be this way. I can see why many start and give up along the way. The endless moisturising can be very exhausting. But the outcome is definitely worth the stress.

I will be showing off my natural hair in a few weeks, just so I can document and show you all how my hair is doing.

Thanks for reading and commenting.

Have a lovely weekend.




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