How to Manage a Combination Skin

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The trick to effectively managing a combination skin lies in understanding what exactly combination skin is. Just like all skin care routines, using the right products at the right time, in the right way can do wonders for your skin. I have a combination skin so I know how much time I spend in making sure I take care of my it.

The first step in taking extra care of your skin and this starts with knowing your skin type. Once you know your skin, you are 1 step closer to knowing how best to take care of it.
Before I go into how you can manage your combination skin, here’s how you can identify if you have combination skin. A person is said to have combination skin when you have two or more skin types on your skin. Usually it’s a combination of dry skin and oily skin. Here’s a little test: Take a tissue and press it on your face for a few minutes, then have a look at the tissue. Do you see oil marks? Where are they? If the oil marks are on your T-zone (that’s your forehead, nose and chin) and not on your cheek area, then you have combination skin. Those with a combination skin have dry or flaky skin on their cheeks while their T-zone is oily.
Now to managing a combination skin. Taking care of combination skin is like taking care of two different skin types at the same time. You need to be consistent with your skin care regime and apply it day and night. I have a reviewed a few products I use for my combination skin, like the No 7 Quick Thinking Wipes and Boots Oil-Abosrbing Sheets. Here are some of my skincare tips:

Cleansing your face
Ensure you cleanse your skin using an effective face cleanser for a combination skin.  If you have sensitive skin, go for products that are gentle and are specifically made for sensitive skin.
Tone your skin
Applying a toner on your skin helps remove leftover cleanser from your face and close your open pores. Just like your cleanser, ensure your toner is for the combination skin. There are so many effective cleansers available now so shop around for the best product for your skin. To enjoy additional benefits of toning, go for toners that have anti-inflammatory properties to fight against acne and antioxidants to aid skin repair.

Moisturize your skin
Moisturizing is an important part of your skin care regime especially for the drier parts of your face that need more moisture. Go for a moisturizer that moisturizes dry areas while it controls oily shine. A good mosituriser for a combination skin will moisturise the skin and absorb excess oil.
Exfoliate at least once a week
Exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells and brings out new and healthy-looking skin. It’s not advisable to do this everyday. Two or three times a week is OK. If you have sensitive skin, exfoliate once a week to prevent irritation. I exfoliate once a week.


So these are my skincare tips for my combination skin. Do you have a combination skin? How do you manage it? Drop me a comment, lets chat.

The Personality Perfect Match App



I have always been interested in various personalities and why certain people behave the way they do. I have read various books and articles on personalities, and taken many personality tests but no result has ever been as accurate as the PersonalityMatch app result. I was introduced to this free app some days ago. I was eager to discover my personality result, and match my results with friends and family, so I installed it on my iPhone immediately. It was quick and easy to install. I didn’t have to create a separate account as it recognised my Facebook details, which was fab. I also found the interface very user-friendly and straight forward, which was a plus.

Once the app was installed, I answered a few behavioral questions in less than 5 minutes, and I got my result instantly. The result is what you can see below.



I am INTJ – The Mastermind – Introverted iNtuitive Thinking Judging.

I agree with this personality test result 100%. I think it is super accurate. I have never had a personality test this accurate before and I have taken many tests. I have always been an introvert for as long as I can remember. I am so very into myself and enjoy my company a little too much. I am quite reserved, which some people find as snobbish or shy, I am neither of them. I just find socializing in large groups draining, so I need my alone time to regroup and recharge. And it shocks me how many people find this part of me very difficult to understand.

I am very future oriented. I do a lot of planning and I like to think of how things will affect my life and that of my family in the future. I rarely think of the present. I do value knowledge and efficiency a lot. I dislike seeing people not good at their jobs or getting their life together. It is a major turn off for me.

I have very high standards of performance. I always aim high and I push myself to exceed expectations every time, sometimes I push myself a bit too much.

I have strong intuitions. In my 29 years on earth, my intuitions are yet to fail me. I am always right about people and situations, and that is the main reason why I keep my circle very small. I have gone through and had to deal with a lot in my life, so keeping my circle small does help.

Overall, I cannot recommend this Personality Perfect app enough. You should try it out for yourself and see how accurate it is. Once you get your results, you can invite friends and family through Facebook, SMS, Whatsapp, Email or just send them a link. And then you can match your results, and see how compatible you are.

This added feature is really great for couples because you get to see how compatible you are in general. You get a percentage score and you also get a comprehensive 2 part report that explains your matched results in detail. This Personality Perfect app can help couples who are finding it tough to relate or understand each other. The report explains your weakness and your strengths, so you can compare and start to understand each other’s shortcomings because we all have them.

I have matched my result already with a family member, and I am looking forward to matching it with my other loved ones. I am really enjoying playing around with this app.

What are your thoughts on this app? Have you tried anything like it? Drop me a comment in the comment section below, lets chat.

Thanks for reading.


*This is a collaborative post.

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