Are Entrepreneurs Born or Made

For as long as I can remember, the question of whether successful entrepreneurs are born or made has been a subject of debate. I thought I’d give my own two cents to this debate from my own perspective.

Many people go into entrepreneurship for many reasons. Some want to really experience the freedom-based lifestyle that goes a long with entrepreneurship. Others are in just for the fringe benefits that come along with tagging the word “entrepreneur” in their bios.

Whatever may be the reason for diving into entrepreneurship, the end speaks for itself. The true entrepreneurs remain resilient until the very end, while those who are not cut out for it are easily weeded out.


Quiz Clothing Image


But what makes the real entrepreneurs who they are? Is entrepreneurship something they pick up and train themselves in or are they just born with all the skills, character and talent to be entrepreneurs?

Let’s look it from both sides:


Entrepreneurs are born

It could be a gene in their DNA but some entrepreneurs are gifted with the skills that give them an edge in their business. While some have to train for years before they can perfect the art. Born entrepreneurs have natural instincts geared to making their businesses work.

Take for example, having a natural gift in creating quality relationships that always result into sales. It’s not that such a person was trained to be a good communicator. It’s something that flows naturally.  They never have to force themselves to shine in their area of competence. They are excellent at what they do.

Born entrepreneurs are those who recognize that they have a gift and they exploit it; they leverage on it.


Entrepreneurs are made

Made entrepreneurs are those who develop the skills needed in order for them to be successful. They know that there is a gap and in order to make their business flourish they have to fill in their lapses. As a result they get retrained, they hire coaches, they read books, but most of all they practice, practice, practice.

The truth is that this is where majority of entrepreneurs find themselves at a point in time. Their success is attributed to the work they put in themselves and as a result their business became a success.


If you want to be an entrepreneur and fail to see your lapses or you’re not ready to learn and practice then you will not be successful in your business. You need to be willing to make an effort. Developing yourself takes time and a lot of humility. You need to be humble enough to acknowledge that there is a lot to learn and actually put in the work and take the time to practice.


So are entrepreneurs born or made? I believe some are born but most are made. Being born with the right skills and business mindset is all well and good but you need to continue to develop those skills to be a success story.


Do you agree? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below.



10 Business Lessons From Chanel

Chanel has successfully appealed to its target market. So the question is, why has Chanel succeeded where other brands and businesses have not? What is the brand doing differently, to ensure she stands out from her peers. Here are my ten big takes from the Chanel story. They are important lessons for other brands, bloggers and entrepreneurs  to future-proof their business. Bloggers, brands, designers and entrepreneurs should be able to relate with this post.

House of Chanel

1. Recognise what is missing in your market, and use it to your advantage.

2. Be competitive and distinct. Bring something different to the table.

3. Meet the needs of your clients, customers or readers. Find out what they need to read, or wear, and deliver.

4. Live your brand story without hesitation.

5. Never be complacent. Remember pride comes before  fall.

6. Keep your customers and readers curious. Be a little unpredictable every now and again.

7. Know your history, but don’t be a slave to it.

8. Work within the absolutes of your philosophy.

9. Recognise what those who are loyal to you, really love about you.

10. Understand what is timeless about what you offer and what is not.


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