5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog

If you want to succeed as a business owner, you would most likely need a blog alongside your website and social media platforms. Regardless of what people say, blogs still get read, and SEO helps businesses flourish. Although many things are evolving, every business still needs a blog. Having a website alone is never enough; you need a platform that is 100% yours and that would allow you directly communicate with your audience online.

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5 Reasons Why Your Business Needs a Blog
  • A blog keeps your target market informed

One of the most important reasons for having a business blog is to keep your target market informed. A blog gives business owners opportunities to share regular updates, communicate with their audience, and keep them in the loop of what is happening with the business. Many business owners may choose to share timely content on their social media platforms and may not understand the importance of having a blog, but a social media platform is an extension of your business, it is not yours. A blog on the other hand is your business and it allows you to directly communicate with your audience as often as you desire.

  •  It attracts organic traffic

Having a business blog is a smart way to run a business. An article can easily go viral with a bit of luck and the right SEO tips, which could quickly generate extra income for the business. It could also bring in more customers so there is really no reason not to have a blog as a business owner. The more content you create on your blog, the more visibility, and the more opportunities to come up on search engines, and increase organic traffic.

  • A blog helps you grow your email database

The more content you create on your blog, the more opportunities you have to grow your email database. The email subscribers may be customers already but running a weekly blog for example will keep your business name at the top of their minds. Regular blog posts will also help draw in more email subscribers that could end up being customers, so it is a win-win.

  • It allows businesses to communicate with their customers

A business blog creates the opportunity to communicate with customers. Businesses can easily get feedback from their customers through their blog posts. It easily creates a two-way communication channel with the online audiences, and lots of feedback can be gotten this way.

  • A blog helps you grow your online presence

Running a business blog makes it easier to grow an online presence for your business. It is faster to increase your social media presence when you have regular quality content to share on your business pages. Blogging as a business is one of the fastest ways to grow your business. The more interesting and engaging your blog posts, the faster your social media platforms would grow, and the more online and offline attention your business would get.


Do you have a business blog? How do you keep your audience engaged?


How artificial intelligence can help business owners

*Collaborative post.

Artificial intelligence also known as machine intelligence or AI, is the future and it is here to stay. In other to stay competitive and manage your business effectively, small business owners will need to think of how best to implement artificial intelligence into their business. The 21st century has ushered new technologies the past would have dreamed of and it has also reintroduced old technologies and made them more effectively. All business owners should be interested in how artificial intelligence can help improve their businesses.

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How Artificial Intelligence can help business owners

Here a few ways artificial intelligence and machine learning can be used to help improve businesses –

Automating customer communications

Many businesses now use AI to automate a portion of their customer communications. This takes the pressure off the customer service agents and allows the AI handle some tasks. You would have likely come across a form of artificial intelligence customer service while dealing with companies online or over the phone. Many companies make use of this AI feature really well and it works. It saves money in the long run as well as time especially now with the current state of affairs. It is a lot easier to handle many enquiries online or over the phone without speaking with an actual human. This is so handy for non complicated customer enquiries and it improves the flexibility and responsiveness of a business.

Vision inspection systems

Another way AI can help businesses is with vision inspection systems. This is a handy tool to have especially when handling print and packaging. There is a range of machine vision systems that help businesses with quality control, sorting, guidance and inspection. This can help businesses protect their brand, increase quality and lower costs.

Automative inspection solutions

Artificial intelligence also provides automative inspection solutions through inspection machines and systems. This is so handy for the engineering, automotive, and associated industries. These machine learning solutions improve the quality of the production while reducing the fail rate and guaranteeing highly efficient production.

Automate the sales process

AI can help businesses with sales when infused into customer relationship management (CRM). Being able to automate the sales process to a certain extent takes the pressure off sales agents and allows them focus more on other sales tasks. Having an AI-infused CRM helps businesses maximise lead generation results which allows them to generate more leads and acquire useful marketing and sales insights.

Supports Human Resources tasks

Artificial intelligence can help businesses with Human Resources tasks by streamlining the hiring and onboarding process. AI can also help with acquiring feedback from new employees in other to improve the hiring process. This will help the business save time and money while focusing on more important tasks.

The benefits of artificial Intelligence for both product and service based businesses are too numerous to mention in one blog post. It is the way forward for businesses all over the world. AI saves time, money and protects the quality of your brand.

Do you run a business? Have you implemented AI into your day-to-day running of the business?





6 Tips for Business Owners who Blog

Business owners have tuned into the benefits of owning a blog. A blog not only acts as a means of sharing information, it’s one that would help build the authority of a business and increase your customer base. But it all depends on how you use it.


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The truth is that a blog can help make or break a business, so you need to be careful with how you use your blog. It will take a lot of work to make a blog successful. However, if you commit to it, it’ll be worth it in the end.

Here are my 6 tips to help you and your business through your blog.


Stick to a schedule

You can’t expect to build a loyal audience who’ll turn into interested customers if the rate at which you create content is sloppy. Serious bloggers stick to a schedule or editorial calendar and they create blog posts consistently.

You may not have to blog daily like I do. However, if you can consistently publish content at least once a month on the exact same day every time, then chances are that you’ll have more dedicated readers than you would have if you published a blog post any time you feel like it.

Plan out blog topics for the whole month, note it in a calendar and stick to it.


Know your audience

A blog is nothing without its readers. Before you can even go into creating content, you should know your audience inside and out. Who are they? What are their problems? How does it make them feel? What’s holding them back? Answering such questions will give you an idea of the type of content they would be interested in reading.


Create valuable content

Your watchword as a blog owner should be “value”. The key to great content is value. Create quality content that your audience will love.
Valuable content helps solve your audience’s problems, informs them about the latest trends and gives them useful tips and tricks.


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Share your story

It’s easier to connect with a person than with a brand or business. Don’t be afraid to give your content a personal touch. Tell your brand story and what matters to you. Write about incidents that happen in your life and relate it to your business.

Showing your human side makes it relatable to your audience. It gives them a point of connection with you. So, chip in a story or two and don’t be afraid to be vulnerable sometimes.

Engage with your audience

You not only have to ensure that you provide quality content, you also have to get people involved. Engage with your readers in the comments. Build a list so that you can establish a lasting relationship with your audience.

A good way to get a conversation started in your blog is to write an engaging call-to-action at the end of your blog posts. An engaging call-to-action will encourage your readers to comment thereby giving you a chance to connect with your readers.

Distribute your content

Valuable content gets shared all the time. As you impart your knowledge and expertise in your blog posts, you should also do your part to share your blog posts online as well. One way is to share them on social media. But I must warn you that you don’t get spammy when you’re doing this.

Another way to distribute your content is to write guest posts for bigger blogs with a larger audience. Your guest post should have links to your previous blog posts to direct readers there.

Are you a business owner? Do you run a blog? How are you finding it?

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