Money Management Tips for Freelancers

It’s great to be a freelancer. Ever since I started my journey as a freelancer I have been earning a comfortable steady income. But it’s one thing to be able to earn money and it’s another to be able to manage it. This fact led me to write this Money Management Tips for Freelancers post.



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When I started freelancing, I was glad I was able to pay my bills and a few luxuries, but I knew that if I wanted to do bigger things in the future I had to find a way to make optimum use of my money.

Just like every regular worker, freelancers need to know how to manage their money. If you don’t have a plan on how you should allocate the money you earn or what you would like to achieve in the future then you’ll find yourself spending money on things that are completely unnecessary.

Knowing how to manage your money is the beginning of having a comfortable living. And if you’re a newbie freelancer or you’ve not been managing your freelancing income, then now is the time to start. Here are some money management tips that have helped me.


Money Management Tip 1 – Track your money

This is the first thing I believe every freelancer must do in order to manage their money. You need to be aware of how much is coming in and how much is going out. Take note of everything that you spend your money on and what brings in the most revenue. You can do this on a simple spreadsheet.

When you track your money you are able to budget better. Tracking your money also enables you to know how much you can keep aside as savings.



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Money Management Tip 2 – Have a savings fund

As a freelancer, there are days when business can get a little dry, especially if your freelance business is such that depends on the season. Having a savings fund is a great way to keep money aside for those slow months. It is also a great idea to get financial planning advice from wealth management firms to help you manage your funds effectively.
If you’re tracking your money, you’ll be able to determine how much of the money you earn can go for savings. Make sure that you consistently keep that money aside for savings. The key to this is commitment. You need to be determined that you will save the same amount every month. Little-by-little you will see your savings grow.


Money Management Tip 3 – Keep and stick to a budget

You probably have heard a lot about budgeting. Budgeting is a great way to make optimum use of every penny you’ve got. When you budget you know exactly how best to spend your money. Without a budget you will find yourself spending money on things that are not necessary or on things you would end up not using.

Estimate how much you are willing to spend every month. Divide that by 4 weeks. This will give you an idea of how much you can spend for the week. Make sure that all your spending for the week is within the sum you budgeted.


Money Management Tip 4 – Send out invoices

I handle blogger outreach for a number of clients, and I find it funny when bloggers don’t send out invoices. You should always send out an invoice for every completed job. Invoices are the easiest way to track paid/unpaid work. Invoices also make it easier to monitor cashflow. I always advise bloggers to send out invoices as it makes the job easier for both of us. I also I send out invoices for every job I complete.

Invoices are super easy to generate on Paypal. You can also set up your invoice template on Microsoft Word or Excel.


Are you a freelancer or self-employed person? How do you manage your money? What do you think of these money management tips?


OOTD – Fashion Blog

Sometimes I forget Fashion and Style Police started as purely a Fashion Blog. So much has changed in the last 5 years. I have been able to incorporate my other loves on the blog; beauty and lifestyle being the 2 other niches I cover on here now. I won’t run this blog any other way.


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I love fashion and style, and truly enjoy writing fashion blog posts. However, I would be bored silly if that was all I ever could write on Fashion and Style Police. I believe a varied blog brings in more interesting content. Do you agree?


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I wore this outfit today. Scheduling some me time for the bank holiday was at the top of my to-do list, and I made the most of it. Earlier today, I popped over to my local Odeon Cinema, and saw Logan Lucky. I was a bit hesitant to watch this movie at first, as I am not usually a fan of comedy, but this was a good one. It was more of a thriller than a comedy, which was good. I did laugh quite a lot too, which was great. A good laugh is the best way to start the week.



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I need to do this more often. Just have some alone time to myself. Being a work from home mother means I have to schedule me times in well in advance. They can be tricky to get sorted, but get sorted it must. We parents need regular breaks to function.

Back to the outfit here. The top is a new summer wardrobe addition. I got it some weeks ago and I have fallen completely in love with it. The stunning design and embroidery is so right up my alley. It is also very easy to style with a pair of jeans. I love pieces that I can dress up and down with zero effort, and this burgundy beauty ticks all the right boxes.



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What do you think of this look? Are you a work from home parent? How do you make out time for yourself during the summer holidays?



Burgundy top – River Island

Molly Jeans – River Island

Denim Bow Shoes – Kurt Geiger

Burgundy Bag – Guess

Sunnies – Miu Miu

How to Get Rid of Oily Skin

Dealing with oily skin can be a struggle for many. Oily skin is one of the causes of breakouts, blemishes and acne flare-ups. If you have been suffering from oily skin, you will know all about how difficult it can be to find the right products for your skin.

What causes your skin to get oily are the sebaceous glands under your skin which produces excess oil. Some people are born with overly productive sebaceous glands, while others get oily skin when there is a skin pH imbalance.


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The good news is that you can control the oil production of your skin and consequently all the other harmful effects that go along with it. Here are a few ways you can get rid of oily skin naturally.


Ease up on often you wash your face

Believe it or not, washing your face several times a day can strip your face off its natural oils and this will make your sebaceous glands produce more oil. This is that will make your face extremely oily.

The best way to combat this is to limit the number of times you wash your face. Wash your face only at least twice a day. This will ensure that you do not strip your face of its oil. That way you won’t activate your sebaceous glands into producing more oil.


Cleanse your face with a gentle oil dissolving cleanser

When you have oily skin, not all cleansers will do. You have to choose a cleanser that will be effective enough to remove the excess oil without stripping your face of its natural oils while cleaning your pores of dirt and dust. You also need to have a cleanser that will help balance the pH level of your skin and reduce the oil production.

Although there are a lot of good cleansers out there for oily skin, there are also a good number of natural cleansers you can use straight from the kitchen.

Lemon juice mixed with some water makes a great cleanser. Same with vinegar. Just apply it over your face with a cotton ball and wash off after 10 minutes. It will help you cleanse your skin and regulate the pH level of your skin to reduce oil production.


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Use a clay mask

I love my clay masks. They are amazing on the skin. When it comes to oily skin, clay masks help to reduce oil production, making it one of the best skincare treatments for those with oily skin.

Aside from helping you with your oily skin, clay masks also do a great job at cleansing and tightening your pores.

Use the clay mask at least once a week. Apply the clay on your face and leave it until it is completely dry, then wash off with water and pat your face dry.


Make use of oil-free products

No matter how well you try to keep your oily skin in control, if you keep using products that contain a lot of oil, then you are bound to keep dealing with an oily skin. Stick with oil-free products from soaps to creams and even makeup.

Although moisturizers can make your skin oily, staying away from them will not do your skin any good. Instead, chose a light moisturizer that will not be too heavy on your skin, or a moisturizer that mimics your natural oils like shea butter.


Do you have an oily skin? How do you deal with it?






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